What You Need to Know: The Seventh Continent Waste Dumpsites Great Pacific Landfill It is the plastic accumulation point that is described as the seventh continent made by human hands and whose existe...

What You Need to Know: The Seventh Continent Waste Dumpsites Great Pacific Landfill It is the plastic accumulation point that is described as the seventh continent made by human hands and whose existe...
Organic agriculture is a form of controlled and certified agricultural production that does not harm human health and the environment and does not use chemical inputs in production, from production to...
The concept of green marketing, which emerged with the aim of minimizing the negative effects on the physical environment while meeting the demands and needs of the consumers, has become an understan...
Basic Principles and Characteristics of the Circular Economy Today, sustainability problems in many fields have brought along a change in understanding from linear economy to Circular Economy. Effort...
The circular economy approach, which is considered as a production model that will enable sustainable development to achieve its goals, is expressed as the recycling of waste materials to the economy...
We will talk about some suggestions on how sustainable development and economic growth can be carried out together. Many contributions have been made to the literature on the coexistence and oppositi...
We did CirculaWASTE training for in Brussels, Belgium. CirculaWASTE is a project funded by the Erasmus+ which focuses on the knowledge and skills development and use of innovative approaches and tool...
OMNIA or KnOwledge andSkills DevelopMent on InNovative Green Entrepreneurship Models for NEETs to Build CirculAr Economy Project is a project funded by Erasmus+ which focus in the circular eco...