How Thirsty Is Our Food

Did you know that just like carbon emissions, every product we consume has a water footprint? It’s the hidden cost of our everyday choices. From the steak on your plate to the almonds in your snack, water is a vital but often overlooked resource in food production.

Make positive changes in your life for a sustainable lifestyle

There has to be a better way
to make the things that does not harm the sky, the rain and the land

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Know Us

SDSN is a Belgium-based research and education organization established with the aim of promoting research and innovation. It actively participates in the planning and implementation of national and international projects aimed at providing innovative solutions that facilitate the development of people and the cohesion of societies.

SDSN Services

At SDSN, we are dedicated to promoting sustainable change through research, training, partnerships, consulting and EU project development. Our Research and Development team focuses on innovative solutions to today’s pressing sustainability challenges, while our Training Programmes empower organisations with tailored sustainability training. Through Partnership Initiatives, we foster collaborations to increase impact and our Consultancy services provide strategic guidance for implementing sustainable practices. EU Projects Development service helps organisations access vital funding opportunities for their initiatives. 


These people make up a high-performing team who work together to facilitate idea generation and creativity, approaching problems with unique solutions and contributing to achieve common goals.

SDSN Partners

At SDSN, our strength lies in the partnerships we develop with different stakeholders. We collaborate with a wide range of organisations, including academic institutions, government agencies, civil society organisations and private sector companies. These partnerships are crucial to pursuing our mission of promoting sustainable change and innovation.


Welcome to the SDSN Blogs, your go-to source for the latest information, updates and stories on sustainability and innovation. Our blog is designed to inform and inspire you about ongoing efforts and achievements in sustainable development.