- Erasmus+
KnOwledge and Skills DevelopMent on InNovative Green EntrepreneurshIp Models for NEETs to Build CirculAr Economy Data published by the European Union through Eurostat in 2020 explained that around 17
KnOwledge and Skills DevelopMent on InNovative Green EntrepreneurshIp Models for NEETs to Build CirculAr Economy Data published by the European Union through Eurostat in 2020 explained that around 17
Use of Urban Solid Wastes and Organic Wastes in Agriculture for Transition to Circular Economy CirculaWASTE project will stimulate the development and use of innovative approaches and tools in agric
Digipreneurship for the Disabled (DP4D) Project Throughout the history disabled individuals have generally been exposed to negative emotions such as pity, sadness, and fear. They have been seen as a
DEvelopment of professional Skills for the use of Urban solid Wastes and Organic Wastes in agricultural In line with the rapidly growing population, the demand for energy and waste disposal is growin