Digipreneurship for the Disabled (DP4D) Project

Throughout the history disabled individuals have generally been exposed to negative emotions such as pity, sadness, and fear. They have been seen as a burden to society. People with disabilities have generally been exposed to social exclusion. As a result they have been left behind and have been unable to discover their talents. However, It should be our priority to integrate people with disabilities into the society and to ensure that they can continue their lives independently. For us, the most influential way to do this is to increase their entrepreneurial skills and make them productive individuals with the help of digital tools. It is of great importance for the disabled to produce in terms of their adaptation to social life. A disabled person who stands on his own feet not only earns financial income, but also increases his moral self-confidence and strengthens his commitment to society. We can list the advantages of digital entrepreneurship for the disabled as follows,

-Entrepreneurship provides flexible working opportunities for the disabled

-Digital entrepreneurship eliminates the disadvantages of people with disabilities

-The disabled work at home and in virtual environment thanks to entrepreneurship

-Entrepreneurship becomes an alternative to disability discrimination

-Thanks to entrepreneurship, the knowledge, skills and motivation of the disabled increase

In the light of this information, we aim to improve with the skills of adult education personnel involved in the education of disabled individuals.

For this purpose;

– 3 activity meetings will be held with participation of 4 trainers, in charge of disability education, from each partner

– 1 online conference will be held with participation of 25 disabled learner from each partner

– Digital literacy trainings will be given to 10 trainers of the disabled in each country

– Financial literacy trainings will be held for 10 trainers in each country

– Workshops will be organized for disabled entrepreneurship.

– An informative booklet on disabled entrepreneurship will be prepared

– Workshops will be held on new approaches in EU norms for disabled entrepreneurship.

– Working desks will be set up for the transfer of good practices in the participating countries.

– Dissemination activities will be carried out through media and social media at local, national and international levels

– By creating a dynamic portal that will broadcast on the web, it will be ensured that all people with disabilities are aware of and benefit from our project.

Digitalization, equality of opportunity and inclusiveness for disadvantaged groups, which are among the priorities of the EU commission for 2021.

Programme: Erasmus+
Action Type: KA210-ADU - Small-scale partnerships in adult education
Start Date: 01/03/2022
End Date: 01/03/2023